Women’s Golf Club

The Black Butte Ranch Women’s Club consists of 42 friendly women who enjoy golfing together on Tuesday mornings. Tee times start around 8am, and many stay afterward to socialize over lunch.  The Club officially kicks off in May with a noon shotgun followed by a meeting, fashion show and happy hour.  An established handicap is required for both clubs, available for $60 through Black Butte Ranch.

2025 Schedule
May 6 | Opening Day 9-Hole Shamble at 9am
June 24 & 26 | Member-Member Tournament
July 28 & 29 | Member-Guest Tournament
August 26 & 28 | Club Gross & Net Championship
September 7 | Mixed “Does ‘n Bucks”
September 30 | Closing Day 9-hole scramble, lunch, meeting and awards

2025 Women’s Club New Member Contact
Deb Seeley | SeeleyD1971@gmail.com
Shirley Engel | Smengel111@gmail.com

Or call 541-595-1545 for more information


Jane Slingsby, Deb Seeley, Judy Osborne, Sandra Zielinski & Faye McCollum

For information on joining the Black Butte Ranch Women’s Club, please call Big Meadow Golf Shop at 541.595.1545.